Montémental Moments™

From music, movies, and writing to hanging out with friends and family and everything else in between, Montémental Moments is dedicated to turning every moment into a memory, not just an afterthought.


Montémental Moments, founded byMontreal Morant, is a production company based out of Charleston, SC which specializes in promoting local artists and entertainers. It is a platform for both creatives and visionaries. It is ultimately an extension of your voice. But, the adventure doesn't stop there.

From songs to novels, poetry and blogs, Montémental Moments is a publishing company at its core and wholeheartedly embraces the world of creative writing. Need lyrics? No problem. Wanna collaborate? We'd love to! Just need some help getting yourself out there? Come with us if you want to live (we had the same problem, so don't worry).

However it is that you express your creativity, we want to know about it. Whatever it is that you do, we want to know about it. Whoever it is that inspires you, we want to know about it! We want to be there for you, so let us turn your moments of creative genius into longlasting memories.

You + Me = Wee!

It all starts with YOU!
You create the moments.
We turn them into memories.

Josh Davidson

"Montémental Moments has been such a fantastic source of motivation through many of my music struggles! It is an extremely versatile company that is excited to work with its customers on any number of levels of all kinds of different aspects. I highly recommend their services!"

Josh Davidson

Singer / Songwriter


  • Music

    Music is the heart, soul, and backbone of who we are. Without music, Montémental Moments would quite literally not exist. So, that is why we do everything we can to help bring local artists, such asJosh Davidson,Chris Dodson, andReturn Of The Mac, to the forefront of the video community by merging the sounds of their musical prowess with the talent of exceptional filmmaking.

  • Movies

    "There’s nothing creative about living within your means" --Francis Ford Coppola.
    Just like the godfather of The Godfather himself, this too is everything Montémental Moments believes in. It's essentially where our love for movies comes from. It's exactly why we do what we do. It's this kind of mentality that motivates us not to stick to what we know, but instead think outside the box and push past the boundaries of general creativity out into a world of extraordinary possibilities!

  • Writing

    Where would we be without it? Nowhere, that's where. No music. No movies. No us. Therefore, it is our deepest desire to not only share with you what we like to write about but we want to know what's on your mind too! What is it that you want to say? What is it that you've never said before?

    Everyone has something to say and everyone's voice deserves to be heard. So if you're having trouble putting it all together or just want a second opinion, let us help. At least give us a chance to listen, because we know what it's like... not to be heard.

  • More

    In addition to Music, Movies, and Writing, Montémental Moments can help you with a handful of other things too, such as top of the line Web Designs (wonder who built this site?) or the occasional pick-me-up to boost your day (check theInstagram)!

    Ultimately, we know it's a lot... but we love it! And we want to do a whole lot more for you too. Be it music, movies, motivation, or just good ol' fashioned networking, let us know what we can do for you. We don't like to leave anything off the table, so if we can't do it then we'll try our best to find you someone that can ;)

The Dream Team

Montréal Morant

"I don't just want to create ideas for a living.
I want to create dreams!"

Montréal Morant

Founder + Visionary + Creative Cannon